Międzynarodowe kolokwium doktorantów i młodych naukowców “Geopolitics of Knowledge: Histories, Heritages, Futures”, Poznań, sobota, 22 stycznia 2022 rok
Pod patronatem Komisji THHiMH, w sobotę 22 stycznia 2022 roku odbędzie się w Poznaniu międzynarodowe kolokwium „Geopolitics of Knowledge: Histories, Heritages, Futures”. Na temat problemów geopolityki wiedzy o których doktoranci i młodzi badacze z Polski będą rozmawiali z doktorantami i młodymi doktorami z Brazylii i Argentyny. Szczegółowe informacje tutaj >>>
PhD chapter presentations
(note: the discussion of thesis chapters by Taynna, Hugo and Tomasz is based on previously distributed papers)
- Taynna Marino, Can epistemic racism be overcome through empathy?
- Tomasz Wiśniewski, Postcolonial contexts of postsecular reflection
- Hugo Merlo, Naming the different, conceptualizing difference: On the theoretical limits of comparative and global studies
PhD project presentations
- Jarosław Jaworek, Sonic history as a sub-discipline of historical research
- Michał Kępski, In a search of “water heritage”: A case study of the Warta River in Poznań, Poland
Mission Statement
“Geopolitics of knowledge,” or how power and cognition intersect to produce hierarchies between forms of inhabiting and knowing the world, has become a central concept in contemporary humanities. It is not mere coincidence that this is happening in the context of growing awareness within mainstream academic practice of the limits of environmental exploitation and different forms of social and epistemic injustice, such as colonialism, racism, and sexism; there is an ongoing appeal for cooperation with ethnicities, groups, and entire cultures which have for a long time been ignored or excluded from the central-Western mechanisms of knowledge production. However, far from leading to a consensus, this plea for cooperation and mutual understanding brought forth myriad issues that range from dealing with conceptual and linguistic barriers to tackling the marginalization or exclusion of indigenous epistemologies in the apparent Center, i.e. the West, and even within so-called ‘world peripheries’ themselves. The international colloquium Geopolitics of Knowledge: Histories, Heritages and Futures shall work as a forum wherein possibilities attached to a “double decolonization” project – that of decolonizing both the intellectual peripheries in relation to the centers of knowledge building and the small research centers that are perceived as peripheral in relation to flagship academic centers – might emerge. Therefore, the colloquium welcomes contributions that address concerns including: rethinking the methodology of the humanities regarding the applicability of concepts like ‘epistemic justice’; exploring the epistemic potentialities existent in regions like Latin America, East-Central Europe, and; seeking to establish an interchangeable dialogue stemming from these and other places that are considered “epistemic peripheries” vis-à-vis the privileged position of Western knowledge.
- Monika Stobiecka, Critical heritage geographies: Polish museums as alternatives to the authorized heritage discourse
- Mikołaj Smykowski, Deprovincialization of Polish Holocaust Studies
- Moira Pérez, Destroying Heritage and/or Building Knowledge: a View from the Colonial South
- Marcelo Durão Rodrigues da Cunha, Towards a South-South meta-historical dialogue: Some possibilities emerging from the Latin-American tradition of historical thinking
- Julia Freire Perini, Brazilian metahistory as global history: On the possible contributions of Brazilian historiography to overcoming ethnocentrism in present-day historical thinking
- Patricia Marinho Aranha, Mapping the Unknown: An investigation into the cartography and discourses on the territorial occupation of Latin America.
Coordination: Michał Kępski (Porta Posniania ICHOT / Faculty of History, AMU) / Scientific Adviser: prof. dr hab. Ewa Domańska (Faculty of History, AMU)
Transcript of the discussion (edited and updated) appeared online as: “Geopolitics of Knowledge – Histories, Heritages, and Futures: East-Central Europe and South America in a Comparative Perspective.” HHmagazine.com.br, 20.03. 2024.